Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

Kashmir Great lakes Trek

The Kashmir Great Lakes Trek is in no need of an introductory treatise. It presents the poem in itself. You’ll draw a preface of it by simply hearing its name.

Kashmir is a fantastic place and if you’re on a Himalayan trek you’re absolute to taste the natural beauty and adventure.

The trek to the Kashmir Great Lake Trek offers a lifetime experience of vintage memories that are therefore splendidly tiring.

The thundering silence of the Kashmir lakes and its virgin beauty is spelling certain. Except for the lakes, even the barren milky snow-clad mountains stand out in might and pride.

The location of this trek, as obvious, is Kashmir, additionally known as the paradise of the earth.

The trek length is around 7-9 days and this trek is commonly graded as moderate of the trekking challenges.

The elevation circles 13000 feet and also the distance paths are roughly 72km. On such a satisfying trek you’ll learn so much yourself- in an exceedingly trifecta – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

For a trekker, nothing will replace and prepare him for those overriding and conflicting emotions about whether or not his body will take so much strain and whether or not he will make it or not. However, the thrill of reaching the destination is clear.

This trek can perpetually be happy and a cherishing trek for the trekkers that comes in handy with several preparations.

You must take excellent care of your health

As the trek to the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek demands fitness, you must take excellent care of your health, form yourself well, and be the match and fine.

Trekkers will train themselves by understanding frequently within the gym besides running, walking on an incline, cycling, cross-training, and stretching day after day. Together with physical health mental fitness is very important equally.

Coming to the main points of the trek, it typically starts from nearly 3 km out of Sonamarg, on the Srinagar road. You’ll be able to find a few restaurants on your way.

The trekkers should pick up short eats here for the next trace of a dwelling place is going to be at Naranag which would probably mark the end of the track.

A few of the trail and the trek enter green grassland, overlooking the Sonamarg town. At the top of the meadows, trekkers reach the line of Maple and Pine trees. What follows is a lovely deep dense forest of Maple trees. Such an experience has forever been unique to the present trek in India.

Meadows throughout the trek

Kashmir Great Lakes Trek You will perpetually be amongst the meadows throughout this trek.

The best time to get pleasure from the Kashmir Great Lakes trek is in between June and September of the greenery and also the blooming flowers are at their best throughout this calendar period. It is so that a beginner in trekking can even be a part of this trek.

Trailing through the Maple trees uphill, trekkers will get pleasure from the crystal clear view of the nearby villages downhill, especially the Sonamarg village. And nature nestles to form a beautiful image. From here the path slopes down into yet one more meadow lined by the European white birch trees and several shepherd huts. Massively small brooks struggling through the meadows and snowy peaks of small mountains mark the land of Shekdur. Shekdur is the sole campsite with trees on this trek. It’s thus an add-on in your clicks.

The sun rays piercing through the forest, that comes on your way, on further trailing, make it a pleasant show of dark and light.

Further, the trail climbs into a river valley that is the starting of Nichanai. You have entered into a large valley encompassed by the peaks.

The impression that the lake imposes upon the trekker

Kashmir Great lakes TrekAfter crossing a tunnel-like Nichanai pass followed by the miles spreading meadow and also the cascading waterfall with the icy cold composition of 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, comes the Vishansar Lake.

The primary impression that the lake imposes upon the trekker is that of its volume and surroundings provided by the four mountains.

It’s been followed up by the Kishansar Lake which is just at a distance of 1.2 Km. it’s a giant meadow stretching by its side.

The trail follows up through a ridge. You’ll see the loveliest view of the two gone-by lakes together from the Gadsar pass which is the highest point of this trek.

The trek to the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek will provide the trekkers with an ideal flavor of all hues of terrain- infinite meadows, snow-clad glaciers, and pinnacles, passes, rocky barren lands, streams.

The path to the Great Lakes is worth trekking. It does justice to all or any of the expectations of a trekker. No individual will ever bear however this trek will make you endure. It’s a path to heaven and its virgin serenity.

Kashmir Great Lakes Trek Difficulty

While trekking, trekkers must be equipped with the required types of equipment. Except for the professional trekking gear, stuff inclusive of trekking shoes, a trekking pole is necessary specifically.

Trekkers must not ever compromise with their body needs. It’s better to grasp your body’s needs and not go by the choice of another fella.

The trek to the Kashmir Great Lakes isn’t a game however even a child of 10 years will proceed this trek. The baggage or the carry bag should be as lightweight as possible. It will be in your comfort.

Kashmir Mountains

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